Dead Media | 0.01-02.0 | 02.1-04.0 | 04.1-06.0 | 06.1-08.0 | 08.1-10.0 | 10.1-12.0 |

Dead Media Working Notes 02.1-04.0

02.1 Canada's Telidon Network
02.2 Dead Cryptanalytic Devices of World War II
02.3 The Stenograph
02.4 Canada's Telidon Network; Australia's Viatel and Discovery 40
02.5 Early Deasktop Publishing: The Copy Press, the Hektograph, Edison's Electric Pen, Zuccato's Trypograph, Gestetner's Cyclostyle, Dick-Edison Mimeograph, the Gammeter aka Multigraph, the Varityper, the IBM Selectric
02.6 Military Telegraphy, Balloon Semaphore
02.7 Mirror Telegraphy: The Heliograph, the Helioscope, the Heliostat, the Heliotrope
02.8 Schott's Organum Mathematicum
02.9 The Voder, The Vocoder, the Cyclops Camera, the Memex
03.0 C. X. Thomas de Colmar's Arithmometer
03.1 Toy telegraphy; toy telephony
03.2 Phonographic Dolls
03.3 The IBM Letterwriter
03.4 the Zuse Ziffernrechner; the V1, Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 program-controlled electromechanical digital computers; the death of Konrad Zuse
03.5 Loutherbourg's Eidophusikon
03.6 Karakuri; the Japanese puppet theater of Chikamatsu
03.7 Dead memory systems
03.8 the Kinetophone; the "Kinetophone Project"
03.9 Clockwork wall animation -- "living pictures"
04.0 Skytale, the Spartan code-stick

Dead Media Necronauts:
Nick Montfort, Bradley O'Neill Andrew Pam, Darryl Rehr, Jack Ruttan, Geoffrey Shea Andrew Siegel, Bruce Sterling, Bill Wallace

Dead Media | 0.01-02.0 | 02.1-04.0 | 04.1-06.0 | 06.1-08.0 | 08.1-10.0 | 10.1-12.0 |